Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The End of Boring Breakfast

I'm not a regular at Williams-Sonoma but I bought something there recently and now I am getting catalogs. That's all good with me. It's nice to look through and dream of a day when I can spend $25 on a spoon and not feel bad about it. (That day will never happen.)

However, one of these catalogs featured their winter mail order treats and sitting there taunting my tastebuds was a perfect waffle topped with bacon and caramelized apples. And I died. Naturally, I had to make it. My stomach would not let me move on with my life until I tried it.

And once I tried it, I could not believe I had been eating REGULAR waffles my whole life. My whole damn life!

Now, theirs may look prettier than mine, but I'm sure mine is better - right? I made my favorite rice waffles, threw the apples in a skillet with 2 tbsp of butter and 1 tbsp brown sugar, and made some bacon. Then I made a waffle ladder to heaven and my life was changed forever. Go try this right now. It's time to eat!

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